Editorial Guidelines for The Digest
Purpose: As a digital newsletter, The Digest, was established to highlight the accomplishments of our SoCal Club members, provide current information about the College, and alert the readership about activities/events related to the MHC College Club of SoCal.
Publication Schedule, Distribution, Archiving: The Digest is published periodically. Deadlines for content submission are set for the fifteenth of the preceding month of issuance. Issue 1 was distributed in December 2022. Issue 2 will be available in March 2023; Issue 3, June 2023; Issue 4 September 2023; Issue 5 December 2023.
The Digest is distributed to the entire SoCal College Club membership via email and is simultaneously posted to the SoCal College Club website (this site).
The Digest provides an opt out function for those no longer interested in receiving it.
Prior editions of The Digest are archived on this site.
Editorial Board: The Digest Editor and members of the MHC College Club of SoCal’s Board confer as to whom will be interviewed for a specific issue of The Digest; the questions posed to the interviewee (s); and how this information can best be shared with the readership utilizing a digital format. The Board reserves the right to not publish certain content.
Publication Permission: We seek written permission of those interviewed to publish the content of the interview(s); for the use of any graphics, charts, websites or photos that should accompany the article. We request that an interviewee provide a personal photo (headshot) for publication.
Formats for Submission of Graphics and Photos:
Provide only jpg., gif, or .tiff formats
Resolution should be at least 300 dpi
As relevant, provide caption, name(s) of those in the photo, and if available the name of the photographer.
Questions about The Digest: Anyone seeking more information about the MHC College Club of SoCal’s digital newsletter should address inquiries to mhcalumssocal@gmail.com.