Strategic Plan 2022-2025

Club History

Mount Holyoke College has 4 clubs serving alums residing/working in California including the Northern Club, Peninsula Club, San Diego Club, and our Southern California (SoCal) Club. We serve 12 counties as far north as Santa Barbara as far East as the Nevada state border, and as far South as San Diego County. These include the counties of Inyo, Los Angeles, Kern, Kings, Nevada, Orange, Riverside, San Bernadino, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, Tulare, and Ventura. We have had wonderful Club Presidents including Catherine C. Burke (class of 1978), Jacqueline Duvivier Castillo (class of 1991) and co-chair, Lois White (class of 1973).

The Club’s archival records, carefully preserved by Jacqueline and Gretchen Hays (class of 1964) reflect that our Book Discussions were started in 2008. And over the years, we have produced quarterly newsletters, promoted cultural activities around Mary Lyon’s Birthday and Mountain Day, hosted visitors from the college’s Alumnae Association, and organized several large events such as the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater program and another year, a personal tour of the Getty Center. Over the last decade, three of the college’s Presidents have visited our Club.

Club By-Laws


1. Club: The Mount Holyoke College Club of Southern California is referred to as “Club”.

2. Board: The Board of Directors of the Club.

3. Officer: A member of Board of Directors of this Club, designated as President, Vice-President, Secretary, or Treasurer.

4. Director: A member of Board of Directors of this Club. Each member will be designated as a chair or head of a committee.

5. MHC AA: References the Mount Holyoke College Alumnae Association.

6. Club Geographic Jurisdiction: References the areas in Southern California that are designated by the MHC AA as the geographic areas served by the Club.

7. Member: Alums residing and/or working within the Club’s geographic jurisdiction.

8. Fiscal year for the Club: Follows the College’s fiscal year calendar, which is July 1-June 30 over a twelve- month period.

9. Strategic Plan for Fiscal Years 2022-2025: Refers to the Plan developed by the Ad Hoc Strategic Planning Committee during Spring 2022.


This organization shall be known as the Mount Holyoke College Club of Southern California. It operates as a 501(c) (3) organization under the provisions of the Internal Revenue Code.


Mission: To connect, engage, and inspire.

Vision: We are members of the Mount Holyoke College community sharing opportunities for professional and cultural growth. We also work to raise the profile of the College and empower the future of our alums.

Values: Curiosity, Friendship, Generosity, Inclusiveness, Innovation, and Trust.

Article IV: BOARD

Section 1. The Board shall consist of up to 14 members including 8 Directors/Co-Directors and the President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, except that not more than 2 officers may also serve as Directors. In certain circumstances, there may be Co-Directors within the 8 areas/committees noted in Article VII of these By-Laws.

Every member of the Board serving as both officer and director/co-director shall be limited to one (1) vote.

Section 2. The Board shall meet bi-monthly.

Section 3. Four (4) members shall constitute a quorum.


Section 1. Method of Constituting the Board of Directors

Effective for the fiscal years covering 2022-2023 and 2023- 2024, the Board will be established based on volunteers’ interests in serving a two- year term as Officers and/or Directors/Co-Directors. Commencing with the fiscal year 2024-2025, the Board membership will be elected at an annual meeting to be held in May of each year. A nominating committee will present a single slate to the membership for consideration and election. The slate plus any nominations from the floor shall constitute the nominees.

SECTION 2. Board Vacancies

A vacancy which occurs on the Board shall be filled by action of the remaining Board members.


Section 1. President. It shall be the responsibility of the President to preside at the bi-monthly Board meetings and the annual membership meeting as well as perform other duties that pertain to the office of the president.

Section 2. Vice-President. It shall be the responsibility of the Vice-President to perform duties as requested by the Board President, and in the President’s absence, to preside at the bi-monthly Board meeting and the annual membership meeting.

Section 3. Secretary. It shall be the responsibility of the Secretary to maintain membership records, to record attendance at meetings, to record and preserve all meeting minutes.

Section 4. Treasurer. It shall be the responsibility of the Treasurer to maintain custody of all Club funds, to receive and review bank statements, to account for club expenditures and assets monthly, to ensure that all required reporting to the college is completed in a timely manner each fiscal year. Upon retirement of the Treasurer from office, the Treasurer shall turn over all funds, account information, and related materials to the incoming Treasurer and then current President.


The Board shall include Directors/Co-Directors for the following areas which shall constitute the committees with responsibilities as set forth in the Club’s Strategic Plan.

(i) Admissions

(ii) Alumnae Association Liaison

(iii) Archives

(iv) Book Discussion/Club

(v) Events and Affinity Groups

(vi) Marketing and Public Relations

(vii) Young Alums Liaison

The duties of all committees shall be established and reviewed by the President. Each committee shall have clearly defined goals, strategies and tactics following those set forth in the Strategic Plan. Committee members shall serve 2year terms as will Directors/Co-Directors.


With the guidance and approval of the Board, ad hoc committees such as a nominations committee may be formed.


Section 1. There shall be at least one yearly meeting of the Club preferably in Spring with the time and place approved by the Board and with ample, advanced written and/or digital notice given to the full membership.

Section 2. Twenty (20) members shall constitute a quorum whether in person or appearing via video conference.

Article X: REPORTS

The Club shall file an annual report of its work with the Executive Director of the MHC AA, and an Annual Financial Report to the MHC AA Treasurer.

Article XI: Finances

Section 1. Budget. Prior to the beginning of each fiscal year, the Treasurer shall prepare for the Board’s consideration a budget of estimated income and expenditures for the year. The Board shall vote to accept or amend the proposed budget.

Section 2. Club Funds. The Treasurer shall deposit all club funds in an insured, secure bank named by the Board.

Section 3. Club Expenditures. All expenditures shall be paid by the Treasurer and authorized officers only when approved by the Board.

Section 4. Review of Financial Transactions. A thorough review of all financial transactions by an external qualified person shall be made each fiscal year.

Section 5. Bond Officers. Bond Officers having charge or control of Club funds shall give bond as required by the Board for the safe custody of the funds, cost of the bond to be borne by the Club.

Section 6. Dues. Club dues shall be collected within each fiscal year by the Treasurer. The dues amounts/schedule shall be set by the Board.


The Club shall not consider any resolution or motion to commit the Club on any matter until the Board has considered it.


All meetings should be conducted following Robert’s Rules of Order. The order of business for the annual meeting should include:

Call to Order;


Review and Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes;

Review and Approval of Budget Report;

Committee Reports ( Refer to Article VII: Directorships and Duties of Committees);

Elections (Refer to Article V: Election of Officers and Directors);

Old Business;

New Business;



Upon dissolution of the Club or the winding up of its affairs, any transferable assets shall be distributed (a) exclusively to the MHC AA located in South Hadley, Massachusetts, for its general purposes; or (b) if said association for any reason does not qualify, under the provisions of Section 501(C)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, then to the Trustees of Mount Holyoke College, a Massachusetts educational corporation located in South Hadley, Massachusetts, for its general purposes; or (c) if said trustees of Mount Holyoke College for any reason do not qualify under the provisions of Section 501 (C) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code, then to any charitable, religious, scientific, literary, or educational organization, which would qualify under the provisions of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and its regulations as they now exist or as they may thereafter be amended. The Club shall have the sole decision-making authority in its determination on what constitutes a transferable asset within these by-laws.


As the Club’s by-laws are being amended during the 2022-2023 fiscal year, the President shall arrange for all Board members to review the changes and edits to the prior Club adopted by-laws, and within two months of the start of said fiscal year, will call for a vote on the by-law amendments by the full membership. After the 2022-2023 fiscal year, by-laws may be amended by a two-thirds (2/3rd) vote of the members present/voting, provided notice of said amendment has been given in the call/invitation to the meeting provided by the President, or in the President’s absence, by the Vice-President.